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10 Day Gut Health Reset

Are recipes in the Gut Health Reset different from the 30 Day Challenge?

Yes, the recipes in the 10 Day Gut Health Reset meal plan are different. This plan is designed to optimize gut flora, while the 30 Day Challenge is centered around improving fitness and releasing weight. The Gut Health Reset is designed, as the name

Why is this program only 10 days?

Gut Health can be drastically improved in a matter of days with gut-healthy foods, mindful practices, and supplements. This program is intended as a reset, not for long-term use.

Is there a facebook group for the 10 Day Gut Health Reset?

There is not a facebook group for this program. The short time frame of this program wouldn't give enough time for you to benefit from a Facebook group in the way we offer with our longer programs. If you are looking for ongoing support of a like-min

Will I lose weight?

The 10 Day Gut Health Reset is not specifically designed to release weight. However, optimizing your gut health is a powerful way to support a longer-term weight release goal. If weight release is your goal, Danette’s 30-Day New You Challenge may be

I have health issues. Will the 10 Day Gut Health Reset help?

Moving to a diet of whole, clean, healing foods has helped with many people's health issues. Danette's 10 Day Gut Health Reset is filled with clean, healing foods so you may find some relief in following the reset. Of course, you'll want to speak wit

Is the Gut Health Reset suitable for people with food allergies or who already follow a specialized diet?

Moving to a diet of whole, clean, healing foods has helped with many people's health issues. Danette's 10 Day Gut Health Reset is filled with clean, healing foods so you may find some relief in following the reset. While we recommend you stick as clo